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Is JD Vance ‘Weird?’ Here’s What Americans Think

A new poll has revealed whether Americans think JD Vance is “weird,” after weeks of Democrats branding him that way.
Donald Trump and his running mate have been repeatedly called “weird” by the Kamala Harris campaign and people on social media since the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz went viral for using the term in July.
Some 44 percent of the 1,500 responders to a Redfield and Wilton Strategies poll, carried out on behalf of Newsweek, said they thought Vance was “weird” – and that was split between 26 percent who said they “strongly agreed” and 18 percent who said they “agreed.”
However, it is also important to note that 48 percent of Americans who were polled said they believe “all politicians are a bit weird.” That was split between 19 percent who “strongly agree” and 29 percent who “agree.”
Newsweek approached Vance’s team via email for comment and they have so far not responded to the claim. We will update the story should they decide to.
Of the 653 folks who said they agreed Vance was weird, 37 percent said they voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 election, 64 percent said they voted for Joe Biden, 33 percent said they voted in a different way and 18 percent said they did not vote.
The 1,500 eligible voters who responded to the poll were questioned on August 15. The results are subject to a 3.53 percent margin of error.
Vance has previously responded to the Democrats branding him as “weird,” saying the insult doesn’t hurt his feelings.
After a rally with Donald Trump in St. Cloud, Minnesota, at the end of July, Vance and his family spent Sunday morning eating breakfast at a diner in neighboring Waite Park, where a Fox News reporter asked him about the term.
“There’s a new insult that her [Harris] and her husband have been using, calling you weird. Does that hurt your feelings?” the reporter asked.
Vance appeared to wince and smile while letting out a hearty laugh. “No, not at all. It doesn’t hurt my feelings,” he said.
Walz was questioned about the attack line on CNN’s State of the Union on July 21, when Jake Tapper asked: “Why do you think weird is a more effective attack line against Trump than what Democrats have done previously, which is argue that he’s an existential threat to democracy?”
Walz responded that he believes Trump is still a threat to democracy, but he added: “Listen to the guy. He’s talking about Hannibal Lecter and shocking sharks and just whatever crazy thing pops into his mind.
“And I thought we just think we give him way too much credit…Have you ever seen the guy laugh? That seems very weird to me that an adult can go through six-and-a-half years in the public eye, if he has laughed, it’s at someone and not with someone. That is weird behavior.”
Donald Trump has since hit back at the term, insisting that the Democrats are the weird ones.
“They’re the weird ones and if you’ve ever seen her [Harris] with the laugh and everything else, that’s a weird deal going on there. They’re the weird ones. Nobody’s ever called me weird. I’m a lot of things, but weird I’m not. And I’m upfront. And he’s not either, I will tell you. JD is not at all. They are,” Trump told radio host Clay Travis.
